SDGs: what they are and which ones you can contribute to with Up2You

The acronym SDGs identifies the Sustainable Development Goals found in the 2030 Agenda. Here's what they are and how you can support them with Up2You.
In this article
What does SDG mean?
What are the objectives of the 2030 Agenda related to the environment?
SDG: how can you contribute to the achievement?
Contributing to the SDGs: our certified environmental projects
Do you want to do your part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?
SDG: what they are and to which you can contribute with Up2You products
Written by
Matteo Modelli
Published on


What does SDG mean?

It stands for Sustainable Development Goals, or theUN Sustainable Development Goals. Let's find out what they are and how to support them.

Approved in New York on Sept. 25, 2015, and entered into force on Jan. 1, 2016, the2030 Agenda outlines the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These are goals that the international community wishes to achieve within this decade and for which any country, entity, institution, company or private citizen can make a contribution.

Some of these relate to civil rights, others to innovation, technology and education. At Up2You we are particularly committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals dedicated to the environment. Our solutions, however, can contribute to the achievement of other important goals found among the SDGs.


What are the goals of Agenda 2030 related to the environment?

The first and fundamental goal toward which we strive, together with our clients and partners, isGoal 13 - Fighting Climate Change. This goal, and the effort toward its achievement, is the beating heart of Up2You. It is with a view to achievingGoal 13 that we have developed our solutions and technologies, with which we help people and companies make their own contribution.

The other Sustainable Development Goals we are committed to are:

  • Goal 6 - Clean water and sanitation. Ensure access to clean water and decent sanitation conditions for all human beings;
  • Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production. Reduce waste and leakage of toxic substances and encourage product recycling practices;
  • Goal 14 - Life Underwater. Provides for the preservation of the oceans and other waterways and the creatures that inhabit them;
  • Goal 15 - Life on Earth. The protection of forests and biodiversity in all terrestrial environments.

All of these, which concern the protection and preservation of the environment and biodiversity, are the SDGs that in Up2You we want to promote and support.

They are goals that affect all communities in all countries involved, because the protection of ecosystems is essential to reduce the effects of climate change and its consequences. That is why we think that, thanks to our solutions, every company, from the largest to the smallest, can make its contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG: Obiettivi Agenda 2030


SDGs: how can you contribute to achievement?

Our solutions help companies make a real impact in the common effort to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. We believe that engagement by large, small and medium-sized companies can truly make a difference and help the international community achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, through the use of proprietary technologies and our method called Climate Formula, we have created solutions that help companies, through concrete actions, become more sustainable and contribute to the goals of the 2030 Agenda.


Contributing to the SDGs: our certified environmental projects

We accompany companies on the path to environmental sustainability, thus making a significant contribution to SDGs 12 and 13, related to sustainable production and consumption, and combating climate change. This path is developed in 4 steps:

To offset calculated emissions, companies can support a variety of projects, which contribute to different SDGs.

Some examples?
In the Kariba REDD+ project, located in northwestern Zimbabwe, local people are involved to promote conservation activities in the forest area, which has long been subject to deforestation for socio-economic reasons (subsistence farming, firewood collection, poaching activities) or settlement.

This project succeeds in including many SDGs within it: reducing poverty(Goal 1), hunger(Goal 2), health and well-being(Goal 3), education(Goal 4), gender equality(Goal 5), clean water and sanitation(Goal 6), economic growth(Goal 8), infrastructure and innovation(Goal 9), environment(Goal 13), and life on earth(Goal 15).

In Up2You we decided to implement offsetting packages to group projects by thematic areas. In this way, companies can decide to offset their emissions through packages in line with their sustainability goals and corporate values. For example, if your goal is to support as many SDGs as possible, you can offset your emissions by supporting our offsetting package Up2You SDG mix, which guarantees coverage of all 17 goals.


Do you want to play your part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

With our solutions, we help you bring your company more and more in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, from staff involvement to offsetting, as part of your company's emission reduction strategy.

Contact us and find out how we can help you!