Our impact, our commitment

Our impact,
our commitment

Find out how we're making a difference

Download our sustainability report

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Up for our planet
At Up2You, every action we take has a direct impact on our planet.
We are committed to following an ambitious reduction strategy. And we are ahead of the expected scenario.
of emissions related to the use of electricity compared to 2022
energy from renewable sources from 2023
We support certified projects that aim to capture or not emit CO2 in the atmosphere.
offset direct and indirect emissions
projects tracked on blockchain
We help companies to transform their commitment into a positive sign.
The tons of CO2 calculated, reduced and compensated.
The companies that have started a sustainability journey with us.
The educational activities carried out by people using our products.
Up for our people
We believe that people are at the root of a company's success. This is why we want to build a healthy, inclusive and positive environment.


We offer a work environment that adapts to the needs of each person on the team to promote a balance between professional and personal life.


We build strong and lasting relationships with all our stakeholders and support an open and continuous exchange to ensure an atmosphere of mutual support.


We want every person to be free to express their potential to grow and to feel empowered to achieve team and business goals.


We believe in sharing information and we make every decision to reflect our commitment and integrity.

Up for our growth
Transparency is the foundation on which we build our growth and the common thread that unites all of our activities.
We guarantee respect and security of privacy in our technologies
The way in which we manage and guarantee respect for privacy, so that every customer and every user feels safe using our technologies.
We choose partners and suppliers who share our values
The choice of partners and suppliers that reflect the ethics in which we believe and for which we fight, while remaining consistent with the values of Up2You.
We are constantly improving our products and services
The constant development of all our services and products, improving what we offer to our customers.
Our team is constantly updated
The goal is to keep up to date and remain consistent with the needs of our customers, while respecting their rights.

Our sustainability report

The first balance sheet in Italy aligned with CSRD.

Download the report

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 Report di sostenibilità
Andrea Zuanetti Up2You
The 2023 Sustainability Report reflects not only the successes achieved, but also Up2You's continuous commitment to operating responsibly, with a positive impact on society and the planet. We look to the future with confidence to explore new opportunities and strengthen the bond with those who share our values.”
Andrea Zuanetti
CEO & Co-founder of Up2You
Andrea Zuanetti Up2You