Lavorare in Up2You

Far parte del team significa partecipare ogni giorno ad un progetto più grande: portare la sostenibilità al centro.
Scopri le posizioni aperte
Lavorare in Up2Youlavorare in u2y

Our culture

La nostra cultura aziendale promuove l’innovazione, l’inclusività e la crescita personale, creando un ambiente di lavoro stimolante e positivo basato su 4 valori fondamentali.

Flexibility as a way of working

For us, flexibility is not a benefit but a way of living and interpreting work and everyday life. We want to give everyone the opportunity to express their value, managing work independently.

Transparency as a founding principle

We are committed to making communication always transparent and sharing information on Up2You at all business levels.

Responsibility as a personal value

We want every person to be free to express their value and to be empowered to achieve team and business objectives.

Trust as an opportunity for growth

We know that we are surrounded by real talents, which is why we love comparison at all levels and we use it to make the best possible decision.

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The rituals that will accompany you

Team building

Una volta all'anno organizziamo una giornata di team building per divertirci, fare team e anche per stimolare un po’ di sana competizione.

Team building

Una volta all'anno organizziamo una giornata di team building per divertirci, fare team e anche per stimolare un po’ di sana competizione.

Formazione sulla sostenibilità

Offriamo una formazione interna tenuta dal nostro team sostenibilità, in modo che tutti possiamo contribuire a rendere il mondo un luogo migliore.

Formazione sulla sostenibilità

Offriamo una formazione interna tenuta dal nostro team sostenibilità, in modo che tutti possiamo contribuire a rendere il mondo un luogo migliore.


Ogni circa 45 giorni, ci incontriamo per condividere aggiornamenti e novità e fare aperitivo tutti assieme appassionatamente.


Ogni circa 45 giorni, ci incontriamo per condividere aggiornamenti e novità e fare aperitivo tutti assieme appassionatamente.

Team retreat

Una volta all'anno organizziamo un bellissimo (e attesissimo) team retreat di più giorni per tutta la squadra di Up2You.

Team retreat

Una volta all'anno organizziamo un bellissimo (e attesissimo) team retreat di più giorni per tutta la squadra di Up2You.

Formazione interna

Organizziamo sessioni formative interne per condividere le nostre competenze e i nostri punti di forza con tutto il team.

Formazione interna

Organizziamo sessioni formative interne per condividere le nostre competenze e i nostri punti di forza con tutto il team.

The benefits that Up2You guarantees

Bonus mobility
Come to the office worry-free: we'll help you cover part of your transportation costs.
Work from anywhere
You have the opportunity to work wherever you want: office, home or in that very nice farmhouse with pool that you have set up on Airbnb.
Service of psychotherapy
We offer professional support through our partner, the Unobravo online psychotherapy service.
Referral bonuses
Help us find the best talent to join our team and we'll reward you with a bonus.
Timetable supple
We work to achieve goals, not to respect a fixed schedule. You can decide when to work and when to disconnect.
Holidays and permits unlimited
We want you to be happy, which is why we have created a system of unlimited holidays and permits. Take the time you need!
Food stamps
Whether you want an office meal or save on groceries, our food stamps will have you covered.
Stock Option
Not only will you be part of our team, but you can also become a member of Up2You and share your successes with us.

Selection path

We are looking for motivated and talented individuals and are committed to providing an enjoyable and comfortable recruitment experience.
It may seem obvious, but the first step in the selection process is precisely the application. We've tried to streamline it as much as possible, so you'll see that we'll ask you to fill in only the basic information.
First feedback
Then comes the time to evaluate the applications and decide who to take to the next step: the only certainty is that everyone will receive feedback, both positive and negative.
Video interview
The video interview is a tool through which we are able to consider more candidates than the direct transition to the interview. But don't worry, it'll be a friendly, casual experience.
P&C interview
We invite those who pass the video interview to participate in an interview with the People & Culture team. The goal is to understand if you are the right candidate for the company and for the role and to give you all the information related to the company and the team.
Technical interview
With the technical interview, you can get to know the person who manages the team you applied for. This phase may generate concerns, but even here the environment will be rather informal and the objective is to deepen your technical skills with respect to the role.
Technical test
For some positions there is also a practical technical test, which can be live or delayed depending on the type of test. In any case, you will still be given sufficient time to carry it out and we remain available for questions and clarifications.

Join the Up2You team

Prendi parte al cambiamento: unisciti al nostro green team e inizia a fare la differenza grazie al tuo lavoro.
Open positions