What does carbon removal mean and what role do these projects play in sustainable progress?
Let's take a clear look at the difference with offsetting and how you can make a contribution.
Emission offset projects can be of different types:
- nature based: projects that protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems while bringing benefits to the target community and local biodiversity;
- technology based: projects that, through innovative technologies, accomplish carbon dioxide sequestration or avoid its emission.
In turn, these projects can deal with:
- prevent and reduce climate gas-emitting activities, protect forests from deforestation, enable renewable energy production in developing area where it would not be economic;
- remove or captureCO2 equivalent, such as through large-scale reforestation activities or through projects using direct air capture (DAC) technologies.
Carbon removal projects fall into the latter category, and refer to all those offsetting modes that involve direct capture/removal ofCO2 from the atmosphere. We use the term "neutralization" in this case.
Here are the goals you can achieve through carbon removal projects
The Paris Accords made official the need to keep global warming below the 1.5°C threshold by 2050. To do this, it is essential to reduce our CO₂ emissions and remove them from the atmosphere. The latter activity is what we call emissions neutralization, and it is done through carbon removal projects.
With targeted projects and activities you can neutralize your emissions and promote the achievement of carbon neutrality. "The use of carbon removal solutions to offset residual emissions that are difficult to abate is inevitable if net zerois to be achieved," said the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its April 2022 report*. And here we get clear about the goal to be achieved with carbon dioxide removal (CDR): to counterbalance those emissions that cannot be completely eliminated.
Differences between offsetting and carbon removal
Carbon removal projects are a special type of offsetting. In fact, carbon removals remove (or sequester) greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, whileoffsetting (or offsetting) is a broader term that can include, in addition to carbon removal projects, projects that avoidCO2 emissions through forest protection (REDD+) or renewable energy generation (renewable) projects.
Projects that fall under the category of carbon removal include large-scale reforestation of degraded areas or technological solutions forCO2 capture-the latter are still in an embryonic stage of development.
How do we achieve the Paris goals?
Globally, there is much that can still be done to mitigate the effects of climate change. Actions large and small that enable individuals, institutions, governments and businesses to become more sustainable. Here are a few:
- Implement investments for a green energy transition;
- investing in carbon removal projects, through products such as those offered by Up2You;
- Reduce the impact of their activities on global warming;
- Put into practice a corporate, family, national culture that promotes sustainability;
- calculate, reduce, and offset its emissions with certified projects that help in achieving the SDGs.
Here's what you can do specifically to help fight climate change
As a company, there are several avenues by which you can contribute to the fight against climate change: among the most effective solutions in the short term is certainly the funding of carbon removal projects that have obtained a Verra or Gold Standard certification attesting to the effective and proper removal ofCO2 from the atmosphere. This, combined with individuals' daily choices and the other services we can offer, is already a big step toward reducing your impact on the planet. Are you curious about starting a personal and corporate climate journey? Contact us to find out how we can help you!
*Source: McKinsey Sustainability
**Source: European Commission