Siamo un team che ha a cuore il futuro del pianeta.
Crediamo che la sostenibilità debba essere accessibile a tutte le aziende, per questo abbiamo l'obiettivo di coinvolgere sempre più organizzazioni che condividono la nostra stessa missione.

Our Story
We started in 3 in January 2020 and now we are more than 50 people. Here are the most important steps that have brought us to where we are now. And this is only the beginning of our journey!
January 2020
When it all began
Up2You was born from the friendship of three aerospace engineers. Between market studies and business models, one day they notice an important lack throughout the Italian territory: doing business while preserving the precious balance with the well-being of our planet.
We are a BCorp
After long months of tests, calls and endless documentation, Up2You officially becomes a B Corp. And how proud we are!
4 million euros
No, we are not giving the numbers. This is the amount we raised thanks to the first two investment rounds.
MAY 2023
+50 team members
Our team exceeds 50! Whether from the offices in Milan, from home or from some remote place, we work with a single goal: to have a positive impact on the planet.

Who is Up2You?
We are the certified benefit company and B Corp that transforms sustainability into a competitive advantage for companies.
Thanks to the experience of our team, our consolidated method and proprietary technologies, we allow every company to approach sustainability in a flexible and comprehensive way, integrating aspects such as communication, certifications and staff training.
Thanks to the experience of our team, our consolidated method and proprietary technologies, we allow every company to approach sustainability in a flexible and comprehensive way, integrating aspects such as communication, certifications and staff training.

A highly qualified team
Thanks to the experience and preparation of our team, we work every day to involve organizations and companies that share our mission and we collaborate with training institutions to amplify the strength of our message and transmit skills.

Up2You is partner of the 24Ore Business School, and contributes to the Masters in Ecological Transition Environment & Sustainability and in Energy Management & Environmental Sustainability.

Thanks to the partnership with the Politecnico di Milano Up2You has provided teaching to the Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering, with a focus on issues of environmental impact and climate change, and to the Department of Management Engineering.
We, but in numbers
Sustainability projects
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Our sustainability report
Do you need more information? Download our report!
Bilancio di sostenibilità 2023
Our Investors

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They talk about us

We are not the dream team.
We are the green team.
We work every day to guide companies on their journey to sustainability.
The management team