Reducing CO2 emissions: what constitutes an effective strategy

A strategy for reducing CO2 emissions is necessary to achieve the Net Zero goal. Find out how to implement it in your company.
In this article
Emissions reduction strategy to achieve the Net Zero goal: let's see what ‍ is all about
‍ What can companies do to reduce CO₂ emissions? ‍
Reduction of CO₂ emissions: what are the advantages
How Up2You can help you reduce your company’s emissions
CO2 reduction in line with Net Zero
Written by
Luigi Ammirati
Published on


Emission reduction strategy to achieve Net Zero goal: let's see what it is‍

How is theNet Zero goal achieved? First, achieving the goal requires that the company be on a emissions reduction trajectory aligned with the Paris goals.

Thus, it is not enough to offset its emissions once: it is a step beyond offsetting, because the company must implement upstream emission reduction strategies to move toward zeroing its carbon footprint.


Whatcan companies do to reduce CO₂?

The entire climate journey of any business can be summarized as: measure, reduce, compensate, and communicate. At Up2You we accompany you along this journey, supporting you in each of these activities.

Find out how to reduce your company's CO₂ emissions.

The calculation of CO₂‍ emissions.

The first step in an effective reduction strategy is to establish the starting point, which is to measure your company's carbon footprint. This gives you a clear idea of the impact your activities have on the environment and what are the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions in your company.‍

Emission reduction strategies‍

Committing to the Net Zero goal means applying long-term strategies of reducing and then neutralizing the remaining emissions with certified carbon removal projects.

The company can take 2 paths to reduce its impact.

  1. A first step could be to involve staff directly, educating them on sustainability issues in a fun and dynamic way. One example? We have compiled a list of 10 rules for the sustainable office with daily actions that in their smallest way lead to big change, if implemented by the entire staff.
  2. Other, certainly more complex, actions take place at the level of business decisions, and help to improve one's ESG rating and compile a real medium- to long-term emissions reduction strategy.

Among them:

  • The conversion of corporate offices and machinery into energy-efficient spaces and products through energy efficiency;
  • The use of a fleet of electric vehicles for staff travel, and for shipping and home deliveries;
  • conversion to renewable energy sources, or the installation of technologies such as photovoltaic panels in the office building;
  • The reduction or total elimination of natural gas use, favoring electricity, which produces less environmental impact.

These are just some of the actions that companies can implement to reduce their emissions. Clearly, devising an effective reduction strategy requires first a thorough study, so as to identify which actions are best suited to your company; we can help you with just that, so that you can define reduction actions specific to your company.

We accompany you all the way:

  • we identify which reduction interventions have the best cost-benefit ratio;
  • we identify with your company the simplest solutions and their costs;
  • we define your company's decarbonization goals in line with SBTi;
  • Let us plan together the path to achieve the set goals;
  • We train and engage your staff on concrete actions to take in the company.

Do you want to start your own corporate emissions reduction journey? Click the link below!

Find out how to reduce CO₂ emissions.

Riduzione emissioni CO2

Offsetting emissions

In a proper decarbonization pathway, offsetting emissions should only occur after a reduction strategy has been devised. But what does it mean to offset emissions?

Offsetting CO₂ emissions occurs through offsetting projects designed for the purpose of capturing or not emittingCO2. By supporting these projects, it is possible to balance the greenhouse gas emissions caused by on-farm activities with nature-based (such as reforestation) or tech-based (such as the use of renewable energy) actions.‍‍

Communicating strategies for reducing emissions

The last point of the climate journey, aligned with the goals of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change), is communication.

The conscious consumer, especially if he or she belongs to a very young demographic, is interested in the ethical choices of the companies he or she relies on, and the same is true for staff, lenders and employees, who see their values reflected in the company's choices.

Therefore, it is important to be able to best and transparently communicate one's actions and achievements in the field of environmental sustainability. How? For example, by dedicating a special section on the website.

Again, we help companies in the communication phase, to enable them to get the greatest possible results from the activities they put in place.If you are interested in learning more, let's explore this topic in our article on green marketing.


Reducing CO₂ emissions: what are the benefits.

Why start reducing CO₂ emissions? First, because the contribution and commitment of all companies is needed to safeguard the planet and combat global warming.

In addition to this, the strategy of reducing CO₂ emissions can bring big benefits from an economic point of view: making your company sustainable also means reducing waste (and thus costs), attracting talent from the younger, environmentally conscious generation, improving brand awareness, and expanding your potential audience.

Here are the main advantages and benefits of starting a sustainability journey in your company:

How Up2You can help you reduce your company’s emissions

We help you set up an emissions reduction strategy by creating a tailor-made itinerarya for your company and supporting you in Every phase of the process:

  • we calculate corporate emissions and plan the reduction actions to be introduced;
  • we define the decarbonization objectives of your company in line with SBTi;
  • we train and involve your staff on sustainability issues and on the actions to be taken in the company.

All thanks to:

  • proprietary technologies, which allow your company to obtain concrete results in a short time;
  • a qualified team that will support you at every stage of the journey, until you achieve the set objectives.

Do you want to start a decarbonization process for your company? Click the button below and start reducing your CO₂ emissions now!

Reduce your corporate emissions