Plan your decarbonization strategy
With Up2You define a strategy for reducing and offsetting CO emissions2 in line with the SBTi (Science Based Targets) targets.

Join the 450+ companies that have transformed sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Define your decarbonization strategy
The objective of the decarbonization strategy is to reduce and offset corporate emissions to contribute to the fight against climate change and to respond to the requests of regulations and stakeholders.
Reduce business emissions
With the support of our team, you plan reduction initiatives in line with your objectives and value the actions already taken by your company.
Planning reduction actions
We involve your team in the analysis of the carbon footprint and plan the reduction actions to be introduced, exploiting those already undertaken by the company.
Definition of decarbonization targets
We define the decarbonization objectives in line with the SBTi targets and we support you on the path to joining the initiative, from the validation of the targets to the final approval.
Cost and benefit analysis
Let's identify which reduction interventions have the best cost-benefit ratio and together we identify the easiest solutions to introduce into the company, and the related costs.
Involving the value chain
We involve your value chain to plan effective reduction strategies through proprietary technologies that facilitate the collection of primary data and the management of aggregated data.
Offset non-reducible emissions
We compensate for non-reducible emissions by supporting Verra and Gold Standard certified projects. Up2You offers different compensation packages, covering all aspects of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Discover the projects
La piattaforma a supporto della tua strategia di decarbonizzazione
Con la nostra piattaforma proprietaria ti supportiamo nell’analisi, gestione e monitoraggio delle azioni di riduzione e compensazione delle emissioni. Monitora l’andamento delle tue emissioni e ottieni uno scenario allineato agli obiettivi stabiliti da SBTi.