What global warming means and what it is caused by

What is global warming? Are there global and personal solutions we can implement? Find out here.
In this article
1. Global warming is not a problem too big to be solved
2. The causes of global warming
3. 3 solutions to climate change that are already in place
4. What to do to reduce global warming
New York Times article about global warming - Blog | Up2You
Written by
Irene Cerri
Published on


When it comes to global warming, it is easy to think that it is too big a problem to solve. Instead, the solutions are there, and we can implement them together.

On June 23, 1988, physicist Jim Hansen of NASA - Goddard Institute of Space Studies made a speech before the U.S. Senate that went down in history as the scientific community's first real alarm about the effects and causes of climate change.

The next day, global warming was already on the front page of the New York Times.

Global Warming: articolo New Yoork Times

But what do we mean by "global warming"?

Also called global warming, it describes a series of climate changes taking place around the world. Beginning in the 19th century, industrial revolutions allowed our societies to progress, but only later did they show the damage they can cause.

In particular, the release of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases into the air has caused the global average temperature to increase by 1.2° C above pre-industrial levels (1750-1880). This is because such gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, create a kind of filter from which the sun's heat, bounced off the earth, cannot escape. A large amount of heat thus gets trapped and causes extreme weather phenomena. This phenomenon is called the "greenhouse effect."

More than 34 years after Prof. Hansen's words were published on the front page of the New York Times, scientists have now declared that the cause-and-effect relationship between human activity and the climate crisis is irrefutable. Nevertheless, even today we still struggle to change course by limiting greenhouse gas emissions.


The causes of global warming

Undoubtedly, over the years a series of industrial, social and political choices have worsened the problems of global warming and multiplied the causes of global warming and its effects on our planet.

Among the main causes of global warming is certainly identified as the increase in greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, into the atmosphere). These emissions are mainly due to human activity, such as the use of fossil fuels to produce energy, deforestation and intensive agriculture.

Among the most common effects of global warming, visible in our daily lives and increasingly impactful, are:

  • Sea level rise: global warming is causing the oceans to warm, resulting in rising sea levels. This can lead to rising waters and flooding of coastal areas.
  • Changing precipitation: global warming may cause changes in the frequency and intensity of rainfall, with consequences for food production and water security.
  • Natural disasters: global warming can contribute to extreme weather phenomena, such as hurricanes, cyclones and droughts, which can have devastating effects on human life and the environment.
  • Biodiversity loss: global warming may affect the distribution of animal and plant species and may contribute to their extinction.
  • Impact on human health: global warming can have effects on human mental and physical health, which can be indirect, such as anxiety, stress, and depression related to extreme weather events, or direct, such as increased respiratory illnesses, spread of viruses, and pandemics.


3 solutions to climate change that are already in place

Global warming is a global challenge that requires a global response.

International interest in climate change solutions has led in recent years to the implementation of projects and legislation with the goal of reducing the damage that human activities are bringing to the planet (such as theNet Zero goal). These possible solutions to climate change are already in place in different parts of the world. The following are some of them:

   1. Renewable energy

One of the most promising solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. These energy sources produce no greenhouse gas emissions during their use and can be used to meet a significant portion of the world's energy needs.

   2. Energy efficiency

Another way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings, vehicles and industrial processes. For example, you can use LED lamps, which consume less energy than incandescent lamps, or design buildings that make better use of natural sunlight to reduce energy requirements for lighting.

   3. Forest management

Forests are an important source of carbon dioxide absorption from the atmosphere. Sustainable forest management, which includes preserving existing forests, restoring damaged ones and creating new forests, can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

These are just some of the solutions to climate change that are already in place in different parts of the world. There are many other ways to address this global challenge, such as recycling waste, conserving biodiversity, and improving the resilience of local communities.


What to do to reduce global warming

Some of the solutions to global warming that we have discussed involve institutional intervention, others can be implemented by large, small and medium-sized businesses and the people living on our planet, each in their own day-to-day lives.

One possible solution that more and more companies are choosing to help combat climate change is the carbon neutrality, a condition in which CO₂ emissions released into the atmosphere by carrying out certain activities are balanced by an equivalent amount offset (removed or avoided), over a given period of time.

The goal is to reduce and offset its carbon footprint by making its activities "neutral" to the environment.

Becoming carbon neutral can be entire companies, but also just products, services, events, a specific business or even a person!

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