According to the European Union's Renewable Energy Directive, the biomass It is the biodegradable part of products, waste and residues from agriculture, forestry and related industries (including fishing and aquaculture). Unlike coal, oil and natural gas, biomass it is a renewable resource and the bioenergy produced from it has a good carbon balance: when biomass Or the biogas They are burned, almost only the same is released carbon dioxide (CO₂) which was removed from the atmosphere during the growth of the plant itself.
La bioenergy is extracted from raw material (e.g. plants, biological waste, wood or liquid manure) and can be divided into: solid, liquid and gaseous biomass. The first includes wood and straw, which are used to produce electricity and heat through combustion. La biomass Liquid in the form of vegetable oils, it can be used as fuel for vehicles and in cogeneration plants. The last one, also called biogas, is produced by the fermentation of biological waste and plant/animal residues. It can be burned in cogeneration plants or refined and fed into the natural gas network.