Sustainable team building: the solution to keeping talent in the company

In this article, we will discover an innovative approach to face some of the main challenges that companies face today: starting from the difficulty of retaining their talents, we will see the advantages of involving and training staff on issues related to sustainability.
In this article
The difficulty of keeping staff in the company: how the choices of younger people change
The advantages of sustainability-themed team building in the company
What is meant by sustainable team building: 3 examples of activities to introduce into the company
Up2You's solutions for sustainability-themed team building
The challenge between companies to do team building on the theme of sustainability
Sustainable team building in the company
Written by
Niccolò Crippa
Published on


The difficulty of keeping staff in the company: how the choices of younger people change

One of the main concerns of companies today is the difficulty to keep talent in the company.

La concurrency to attract and retain staff is increasingly intense: workers are looking for a work environment that goes beyond their salary and that embraces values such as social and environmental sustainability.

If you are unable to offer a stimulating and engaging context, which reflects the values of workers and women workers, you could lose your talents to companies that invest more in these aspects.

There are several studies that confirm this trend on work choices: the HR innovation practice observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, through a survey carried out in 2023, has shown that in Italy about 65% Do people under 30 worry that their work has a positive impact on the surrounding society, considering it a essential factor in their choices.

Another important confirmation is provided by a KPMG survey carried out in the United Kingdom, which involves 6,000 people: the 20% of the people interviewed say that attention to the environment It is a fundamental factor for one's choice of work.

The percentage grows even more if we consider young people between 18 and 24 years old: 1 out of 3 Declare to be ready to give up a job offer if the company is not attentive to its environmental impact.

Climate quitting: una ragazza si licenzia per poca attenzione sulla sostenibilità in azienda

Starting a path of environmental sustainability is not enough

Today, therefore, the focus onenvironmental impact It is a fundamental point for choosing the company in which to work, especially for younger people.

The solution, at this point, might seem obvious: introduce into the company sustainability policies, carry out concrete actions in favor of the environment or, better yet, start a structured path of environmental sustainability.

In reality, however, all this It might not be enough.

One of the main hardships Of the companies that start a path of sustainability, in fact, it is precisely Involve staff with respect to the initiative or activities implemented.

Clearly, starting a sustainability journey is a point Indispensable, but if it is not properly communicated in the company and the staff is not involved or trained, their function of Retention (i.e. the ability to retain staff in the company).

In some cases, even, the staff, or part of it, He is not in the least aware of the fact that the company is committed to a sustainability path.

Here's why it is fundamental not only to start a sustainability journey in the company, but also to find ways to Involve staff in the activities that are carried out. Let's see how to do it.


The advantages of sustainability-themed team building in the company

The Team building It is an activity that promotes collaboration, communication and team spirit among members of an organization.

But what does all this have to do with environmental sustainability?

Un team building focused on environmental sustainability can offer numerous advantages. First, it's a great solution for Involve staff In your sustainability initiatives: for example, organizing sustainability challenges is a good way to let all staff know that the company is committed to the environment.

Not only that, team building in the company encourages interaction between colleagues and colleagues, creating a sense of belonging and sharing common goals: when people commit themselves together for an important cause, a deeper bond is established, increasing collaboration and motivation, and consequently the throughput.

In addition, the environmental sustainability-themed team building It can help sensitize staff on environmental issues and adopt more sustainable behaviors in everyday life. This can lead to a reduction in waste and consumption, which for the company translates into a Lower costs.

Team building a tema sostenibilità di Up2You

7 advantages of sustainable team building in the company

So let's summarize the 7 main advantages of doing team building with a sustainability theme in the company:

  1. increase in retention, especially for that percentage of employees who attach particular importance to the company's commitment to the environment;

  2. greater sense of belonging of the staff, who see their values shared by the company in which they work;

  3. increased productivity, due to an increase in staff collaboration and motivation;

  4. training in the field of sustainability, depending on the teambuilding activities you want to bring to the company (introducing quiz challenges could be an excellent solution to involve staff and train them at the same time);

  5. cost reduction, thanks to the reduction of waste and consumption due to greater attention to the environment;

  6. improvement of corporate reputation, due to the fact that the company shows that it is attentive to the good of the environment and its staff;

  7. reduction of environmental impact, thanks to the sustainability activities implemented during team building.


What is meant by sustainable team building: 3 examples of activities to introduce into the company

But what does it mean in practice Do sustainable team building? How do you do it?

Team building with the theme of environmental sustainability is an engaging experience that combines team building activities with the objective of sensitize the participants and the participants on environmental sustainability.

To help you better understand what it is, we decided to provide you 3 examples of sustainable team building activities that you can bring to the company.

  1. Environmental Volunteer Day: probably the most classic and simple to organize sustainable team building initiative, which consists of involving staff in caring for the surrounding environment. You can work with local environmental protection organizations and organize activities such as cleaning a beach or park, or participating in recycling programs.
  2. Sustainability mentorship program: very useful for training, it consists of creating a mentorship program in which the most experienced employees share their knowledge, experiences and advice on how to integrate sustainability into the various business functions.
  3. Sustainability challenges: we could define it as the most complete solution for sustainability-themed team building; it consists of dividing staff into teams that face challenges and missions on environmental sustainability. In this way, competition and gamification are used to create an engaging experience, which can be organized over several weeks. The challenges may consist of 'missions' to reduce food waste, to encourage recycling, sustainable mobility, etc.


Up2You's solutions for sustainability-themed team building

As you may have understood, among the team building methods seen above, in Up2You we think that the most effective one is the last: using challenges and missions related to sustainability to involve and train staff in the company.

This is for several reasons:

  • gives you the opportunity to create a”route” to involve staff over time, organizing challenges lasting several weeks (something you cannot do, for example, with a single day of volunteering);

  • It allows you to do training in a more engaging and fun way, making learning easier and without risking falling into the classic training course hated by staff (which is a bit of a risk of the mentorship program);

  • thanks to daily challenges and missions, you can generate a positive impact on the environment and reduce the company's emissions.

And to help companies engage and train staff thanks to the sustainable team building, we have created PlanET, the customizable and brandable platform with which employees, divided into teams, can challenge themselves in sustainable missions and improve their knowledge and awareness on social issues, environmental sustainability and inclusiveness.

Do you want to know more about how the PlanET platform works and how to do sustainable team building in the company? Click the link below!

Find out how to train and involve staff in the company

Not only that, with PlanET Green Cup team building becomes a competition between companies: you create your team and compete with other companies in sustainability missions.

Discover PlanET Green Cup

Read the testimonials of those who have already done it!

“If you are looking for a valid Partner to inform, involve and sensitize your employees on sustainable issues for our planet, you are in the right place. In Up2You we met a team that with competence, passion and dedication supported us in moving from idea to action and, with the support of the PlanET platform, allowed us to launch a challenge that involved 4 Corporates and a University, more than 650 people, in missions aimed at demonstrating how changing daily habits can make a difference.”

Paolo Perlangeli, Head of Innovation LAB at Agos

“We chose to participate because we wanted to create a habit in our employees and colleagues, doing team-building activities to achieve concrete changes. And we thought that PlanET was the most appropriate project to respond to our need, and so it was! Thanks to this experience, we really see the difference in the company: in the break room, people talk about the missions and the new habits they have brought into their lives after this project. At the end of the race, there is certainly awareness, new habits and team spirit, outside and inside the office.”

Sara Carollo, HR at Atlantic

“In the wake of current Open Innovation initiatives, the experience with Up2You was simply effective and successful. Alessandro & Co. immediately proved proactive in tailoring the PlanET platform to trigger a challenge.”

Luca Pellegrini, GIS Technician and Environmental Scientist at Gruppo Tea