Ideas to improve the company: what they are and how to put them into practice

At a certain point in their growth, many companies see their progress slow down, or even interrupt, and start looking for new ideas to improve the company. In this article we will see what are the real solutions that today allow you to improve your company, but first let's see what it is best to stay away from. ‍
In this article
The ideas for improving the company that are best avoided at all
How to improve the company with sustainability
4 ideas to improve engagement in the company
Green gamification as an idea to improve the company
Ideas to improve the company: green gamification
Written by
Niccolò Crippa
Published on


The ideas for improving the company that are best avoided at all

Every company happens to have a setback and, usually in these cases, management is concerned first of all with implementing those measures that aim to speed up decision-making processes, or to reformulate corporate culture, such as:

  • assign precise responsibilities and better define roles within the team;
  • eliminate superfluous activities or activities with a low return on investment;
  • redefine priorities and clarify project steps;
  • organize periodic moments of meeting and discussion with the team;
  • invest more in staff training.

In other cases it is thought that theRight idea to improve the company may be to invest more in technology to improve the efficiency, productivity and quality of the products or services offered, or we seek to improve the customer experience, offer personalized service or additional services.

Of course, all these actions can benefit the company, but very often They are not enough and if you're reading this article, you've probably noticed it already.

And that's not all...
At this point, once the ideas are over, the real mistakes start to be made:

  • You start to think that the only solution is to Lower your prices or to offer discounted prices and special offers, lowering their profit margin and risking making customers perceive a low quality of the product or service;

  • Or yes expand the range of products or services offered, risking excessive initial investments, an increase in organizational complexity and, above all, the loss of their business focus, which is often the main reason why companies lose their authority.

What to do then? We need to find a differentiating element, that element that can make your company different, unique, that makes you obtain a competitive advantage (and not because you lower prices), which allows you to even become an industry leader.

Often, however, the markets are already saturated and it really is tricky find that differentiating element that allows you to take the leap you are really looking for.

But don't worry, there is a solution. There is an element that, today more than ever, can really make a difference for a company and that few are still considering for improve your business. What is it about? Della sustainability.


How to improve the company with sustainability

There are different ways in which a company can be sustainable: first, you can start a path towards carbon neutrality, calculating, reducing and offsetting CO emissions2 produced by their own company.
Today, for a company, adopting sustainable practices can make a real difference, both to meet consumer demands and to align with environmental regulations, which are taking on an increasingly central role at national, European and international levels.

In Up2You we accompany companies during all phases of the environmental sustainability journey and we help them to achieve their objectives. Contact us to learn how we can help!

It is also true, however, that we do not talk about sustainability only when a company produces less CO2 emissions2 , as evidenced by the ESG indicators. At the base of a company's sustainability is also its culture based on well-being and staff involvement, and on creating a work environment where everyone truly feels part of the group.

In other words, improve staff engagement.
But how do you do it starting from scratch?


4 ideas to improve engagement in the company

Improve business engagement
with sustainability it can lead to many benefits, including the creation of a more positive work environment, the reduction of the company's environmental impact and the increase of the company's reputation.

Let's see together some ideas for creating a sustainable work environment and improve the company:

  • organize training and awareness programs on sustainability for staff;
  • encourage sustainable behavior, for example by offering bonuses or rewards to employees who use eco-friendly means of transport, or adopt recycling or waste reduction practices;
  • implement internal sustainability policies, such as the reduction of the use of plastic, the adoption of sustainable technologies or the use of renewable energy sources;
  • use gamification in the previous points to involve staff even more effectively, making the experience more pleasant.
La formazione sulla sostenibilità per migliorare l'azienda


Green gamification as an idea to improve the company

This term, which comes from English, is used to indicate the use of game elements to be applied to work groups, to create involvement with respect to sustainable habits and good practices.

Gamification was also born as a moment to get to know each other among colleagues and train your soft and hard skills. It is another way to consolidate the company culture and the spirit of identity of the staff with the company. Even better if it is Green and looks in a farsighted way at the well-being of people and the environment.

Un practical example than sustainable gamification To challenge each other and have fun between colleagues and colleagues it is given by rig PlanET. It offers sustainable quizzes and missions through which every employee has the opportunity to become more aware of the corporate culture of which they belong.

This leads to an increase in motivation on the part of the staff and a reduction in stress thanks to a more pleasant and fun work experience, which inevitably translates into an improvement in performance.

In addition, create a unique experience of Engagement and training improves your brand reputation and your competitiveness on the market, amplifying the visibility of your company, attracting new talent and improving the business perception of customers and suppliers.

Do you want to know how to get the real competitive advantage to improve your company? Contact us!