Sustainable companies: 10 rules to apply in the office

How to make the office sustainable? Follow our 10 rules and discover PlaNet, our corporate green engagement platform.
In this article
1. 10 rules for a sustainable office
2. How Up2You can help you have a more sustainable office
Sustainable companies: 10 rules to apply in the office
Written by
Matteo Modelli
Published on

Sustainable companies are made up of people who engage, each in his or her own small way, in concrete, everyday activities. Don't believe it? It only takes a little to make the office sustainable.

A sustainable company is recognized not only by the big choices made at the management level, but also by the small daily gestures of those who work there. There are many things that can be done every day to make the office sustainable and involve everyone in creating a greener work environment.

Making green choices in the company will make employees more responsible about environmental issues, more involved and closer to the values of the company and the values of those who work there, creating a positive and attractive climate for new talent and all those interested in environmental sustainability. It also reduces waste and provides the company with an economic benefit as well.


10 rules for a sustainable office

Sustainability starts with the little things: here are a series of daily actions you can implement to help create a sustainable business environment, small, simple gestures that everyone can easily put into practice.

  1. Recycle paper creatively. We know: in some companies, no matter how sustainable and dedicated to digital, you can't do without paper. So let's recycle it. For example, you can use old printouts to take notes for the next meeting.
  2. Take the stairs. Up and down between floors in the office? Turn the boredom of the route into a pleasant exercise by using the stairs instead of the elevator. On the stairs you can chat with colleagues, keep fit and save electricity, using only the strength of your muscles.
  3. The perfect schiscetta rule. Long work shifts become more enjoyable if you share them with a light and tasty meal, perhaps vegetarian. If you don't feel up to preparing it at home, choose delivery companies that are mindful of their environmental impact and use any leftovers for your next lunch break.
  4. Sustainable office even during coffee break. We could never propose to anyone to give up coffee breaks: in Italy it is sacred and it is also a time of sharing among colleagues. However, we can reduce the use of plastic and disposable cups. Choose many different cups so that everyone has their own and they can be washed, with just one dishwasher cycle, at the end of the day.
  5. Choose tap water. In many Italian municipalities, tap water is perfectly safe to drink. If you are not sure whether the same applies to your office location, buy a filter: you will solve the problem quickly and easily. You will save on buying bottled water and automatically reduce plastic consumption. Personalized water bottles with your company logo are also a nice idea to be even more sustainable.
  6. Share a ride. Does a colleague live in the same neighborhood as you? Pick her up so you can reduce car use. Or go together by vehicle or, when weather permits, by bike-you'll take the opportunity to get to know each other better and strengthen the bond between team members.
  7. A sustainable company has green offices. In the true sense of the word. Having plants in the work environment helps to reduce stress levels, be more productive, improve air quality, as well as make the office more cheerful and beautiful! You can choose them as a group and create shifts to take care of them. We are sure that sitting at your desk will become more enjoyable.
  8. Reduce digital emissions. A super-simple gesture that reduces emissions in the office? Unplug devices that are not in use. Choosing dark mode on PCs and phones also helps reduce emissions (and reduces the harmful effects of blue light from monitors).
  9. Email or no email? Still on the subject of digital emissions, did you know that even sending an email or doing a Google search are CO₂-producing activities? Why not instead take a walk to your colleague's office and talk face to face?
  10. Share green choices. To make colleagues and employees more aware, it is essential to talk more often about your sustainable choices. Cite examples of sustainable companies you admire, pass around interesting articles in group chats, and challenge colleagues to see who can go the most days without using plastic!


How Up2You can help you have a more sustainable office

The 10 rules for the sustainable office are just a few examples of the many activities you can do with your team to reduce consumption and waste and contribute to a greener company. Want more ideas? Contact us and find out how we can help you make your office more sustainable!