Wind energy
L'wind power It is a type of renewable energy which originates from the kinetic force of the wind. The masses of air that move, allowing the phenomenon of wind, originate from the encounter of air flows with different temperatures. This is due to the heating by the Sun of the Earth's surfaces, which differ in region, height and density.
THEwind power It is used today to generate electricity in an alternative way to the use of fossil fuels. For this reason, it is considered a 'clean' energy.
The main tool that is used for this transformation are the wind turbines, tall electro-mechanical structures that, through the rotational movement of their blades, drive an electrical current generator.
The production of electricity from wind energy has increased significantly in recent decades. Technical advances have in particular contributed to this, which have also made it possible to reduce costs.
According to a 2019 IEA report, wind generates 5.28% of the total energy produced globally, also considering fossil energy sources.
Following the Paris agreements, the goal is to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy, up to 21% of global production by 2030.