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Fundable training

Up2You Academy

Up2You Academy is the interactive solution for training your staff on sustainability issues and internally disseminating the initiatives undertaken by the company.
1500+ trained professionals
Academy hero image
Join the 115+ companies that have started their sustainability training
Shape and Involve your staff in an innovative way.
Up2You Academy is the training solution designed for companies that are looking for ways other than classic classroom lessons.

Everything on a single platform

Each course includes 7 modules to deepen the selected topic in detail, provide you with the skills you need and involve your staff.
Paths on sustainability issues
Paths on sustainability issues
Engagement rate

Select the path most in line with your training objectives

8 courses and more than 60 training modules to provide all the skills you need
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Principles of sustainability

Introduction to sustainability

Global warming: what is it

The role of companies in the fight against climate change

2030 Agenda and SDGs

Principles of ethics in sustainability

Industrialization and global population

Introduction to DE&I


Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Introduction to DE&I

Inclusive language

Gender discrimination

Generational differences at work

Recognizing unconscious biases

Staff involvement

Gender-based violence


Climate Change

Global warming: what is it

Fight against climate change: international commitment

The role of companies in the fight against climate change

The environmental debt of developed countries

Natural disasters and climate migrations

How employees can reduce business impact

Responsible supply chain management


Sustainability in everyday life

Introduction to sustainability

Sustainable lifestyles

Food and sustainability

Digital sustainability and ethics

Circular economy

Sustainable mobility

Energy consumption


Advanced environmental sustainability

Scientific basis of climate change

Global warming: what is it

Organizational environmental accounting

The carbon credit market

Renewable energy sources

In-depth analysis: the European standards currently in force

In-depth analysis: Cap and Trade VS Carbon Tax, EU ETS and CBAM


Cities, Resources, and the Global Economy

The impact of urbanization on the climate

Industrialization and global population

Climate risks in cities

Natural disasters and climate migrations

Smart city

Sustainable tourism

Sustainable mobility


Circular economy, sustainable production and consumption

Linear economy vs circular economy

Sustainable lifestyles

Sustainability in fashion

Responsible waste management

Protection and management of water resources

The obstacles to the circular economy

In-depth analysis on dematerialization


The ethics of sustainability

Ethics of sustainability: what is it

The environmental debt of developed countries

Natural disasters and climate migrations

Responsible supply chain management

Corporate Social Responsibility: the responsibility of companies

The responsibility of individuals

B Corps and Benefit Corporations

Engage staff with gamification.

Not the classic classroom lessons. Up2You Academy uses gamification logic to ensure dynamic and engaging learning. Quizzes, video pills and much more: alternate theory with practical activities to better understand the topics covered.

Personalize content

Use Up2You Academy to internally disseminate the sustainability initiatives undertaken by your company. Create personalized content to communicate your business values.

The platform behind Up2You Academy

PlaNet is Up2You's proprietary platform designed to manage the proposed training courses. Readings, video-pills, quizzes and practical actions are some of the gamification solutions proposed within the platform to make training a stimulating learning experience.
PlaNet dashboard englishimageimageimageimage
Case study

Randstad Italia: sustainability training with PlaNe

Training and staff involvement on sustainability issues. 
Discover the results achieved by Randstad Italia.
Read the case study

Train and engage your staff with Up2You Academy.

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