Up2You is now on Blockchain

Hear ye, hear ye! From today we have great news for companies! Up2You, in fact, is one of the 4 companies in Italy authorised to manage certified Carbon Credits, but from now on it will be the only one to do so using the Blockchain.
In this article
1. Great news for companies!
2. Why the Blockchain and what are these NFTs?
3. Does the use of NFT on Blockchain pollute?
4. Too complex? Up2You has thought of it
Up2You è ora su Blockchain
Written by
Alessandro Broglia
Published on


Hear, hear! As of today we have great news for companies! Up2You, in fact, is among the 4 companies in Italy authorized to manage certified Carbon Credits, But from now on she will be the only one to do it using Blockchain.
This means that every kg of CO₂ offset by our client companies will be certified through NFT on Blockchain. A process that will allow you to know every detail of the environmental sustainability projects supported and to show outside your real impact and environmental commitment.
But let's be a bit clear.


Why the Blockchain and what are these NFTs?
NFTs are 'digital certificates' released through Blockchain technology.
Each NFT has the characteristic of being unique, as if it were a digital brand that guarantees its authenticity and uniqueness.
This allows us to provide companies that choose to reduce their emissions, maximum transparency, traceability and uniqueness on the sustainable projects they support.
For every ton of CO₂ removed from the atmosphere, the company will have a unique reference that accredits it is responsible for this environmental benefit and that provides it with complete traceability, such as the sustainable project that captured that CO₂, the location of the project and the international certification standard.


And doesn't the use of NFT on Blockchain pollute?
The system for creating NFTs on Blockchain, and the Blockchain itself, have been accused of being a very polluting process.
Perhaps you have read or heard news that talks about the environmental impact of Blockchain or bitcoin: technological tools that can also be very energy intensive.

Obviously, we've thought of that too!
Up2You is the first Italian startup to return Carbon-neutral every operation on its Blockchain.

But in concrete terms, what does it mean?
Up2You has decided to adopt a particularly efficient Blockchain technology with very low energy consumption, known as “Proof of Stake”.
Furthermore, even if compared with other “Proof of Stake” solutions, the technology adopted by Up2You is still among the best performing: this translates to very low energy consumption and, therefore, the carrying out of operations without impacting the environment.
But we didn't want to settle for that! Not only have we carried out a carbon footprint analysis to determine each emission source associated with our use of the Blockchain, but we have also offset those very last remaining emissions through certified CO₂ capture projects, making the entire technology carbon neutral.
For the Up2You team of technicians, used to carrying out analyses on the emissions of companies, products, services and events, through their mathematical models, it was easy to quantify the overall emissions associated with their use of Blockchain.
For example, the electricity used by our PCs to create each individual NFT has also been included in the calculation.
The result is that the total emissions associated with the use of the Up2You Blockchain are equal to 0.03 ton CO₂ per year.
An infinitesimal number, which perhaps tells you little: consider that on average in Italy It takes about a couple of days for an adult to emit the same amount of CO₂.


Too complex? Up2You has thought of it
The underlying technology is at the frontier of innovation, but for us it is essential to translate it into concrete tools that simply bring value to the companies that choose us.
For this reason, the entire tech infrastructure takes the form of an easy-to-use platform, where the company can monitor its positive impact on the environment with one click.

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